Vuggestuen Kernehuset, a Danish kindergarten, found that
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to repetitive tasks
increased the risk of early exit from work among its staff.
Partnering with the municipality, it undertook a series of
measures to raise health awareness, prevent MSDs and retain
older employees. An occupational therapist conducted a work
ability analysis to identify solutions. These included work
environment adaptations, measure to improve work–life balance
and reduced rates on fitness courses. Older employees also
coached younger colleagues in being more health aware. The
municipality trained the kindergarten manager as a health
ambassador to raise employee awareness and encourage
participation in health initiatives. Benefits comprised more
sustainable working conditions, a reduction in MSDs and the
retention of experience in the workplace. Success factors included
the support from trade unions and external experts and the
range of measures undertaken. Changing employees’ behaviour
patterns was identified as a challenge. While these measures are
kindergarten specific, the approach is transferable to other
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