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Denmark — Never too old for the kindergarten: reducing the strain to retain employees


Vuggestuen Kernehuset, a Danish kindergarten, found that 

musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to repetitive tasks 

increased the risk of early exit from work among its staff. 

Partnering with the municipality, it undertook a series of 

measures to raise health awareness, prevent MSDs and retain 

older employees. An occupational therapist conducted a work 

ability analysis to identify solutions. These included work 

environment adaptations, measure to improve work–life balance 

and reduced rates on fitness courses. Older employees also 

coached younger colleagues in being more health aware. The 

municipality trained the kindergarten manager as a health 

ambassador to raise employee awareness and encourage 

participation in health initiatives. Benefits comprised more 

sustainable working conditions, a reduction in MSDs and the 

retention of experience in the workplace. Success factors included

 the support from trade unions and external experts and the 


 range of measures undertaken. Changing employees’ behaviour 

patterns was identified as a challenge. While these measures are 

kindergarten specific, the approach is transferable to other 



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