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World Health Day today focuses on mental well-being

World Health Day today focuses on mental well-being

·                                 Published 
By Sarah K. Martin – Contributing writer

What does it mean to be healthy?

For some people, health means having a strong body, free of 
disease. Others may consider a creative mind to be a strong 
indicator of health. Still others may think the greatest 
determinant is a happy, fulfilling life.

Whatever your definition, most people agree that “health” 
has a mental component. The World Health Organization
 (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, 
mental, and social well-being.”

WHO has chosen to highlight mental health for the 2017 
World Health Day – which is today.

The goal this year is to assist those with depression in getting 
help, and to educate others on what it means to live with 

Depression can be debilitating and impair one’s ability to 
carry out even the simplest tasks. It can affect anyone, and in 
its worst form, can lead to suicide. The good news is that 
depression is preventable and treatable. Treatment often 
involves talking to someone and finding techniques to 
manage stress.

At the nonprofit Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo, we 
believe that your state of mental health has strong 
implications for your physical health, and vice versa. There 
are some simple things you can do to better manage your 
mental health. These suggestions are not a substitute for 
clinical assistance, but they may help you feel less 
overwhelmed and better able to cope with stress.

Being physically active is vital to maintaining strong 
mental health

Did you know that walking 30 minutes each day helps to 
boost your creativity and productivity? It drives cognitive 
function and helps promote the activity of several mood-
related hormones. Exercise also has a positive influence on
 metabolism. So go ahead, talk a walk or sign up for a fun 
dance class. You’ll be doing your mind and body a favor!

A healthy diet will give your body the nutrients it 
needs to help you effectively cope with challenges

Some mental health issues can be intensified by nutrient 
deficiencies. Start your day off right with whole grains, fruits 
and vegetables, and lean proteins for a positive mindset.

Take a moment for yourself
Yes, we all have busy schedules to keep up with! But we’re 
telling you it’s alright to sit with a cup of tea for a few 
minutes, or meditate, or just sit outside and feel the sunshine
 on your skin. Or revive an old hobby, or try out something 
new! Who knows? You have never realized that you are an 
amazing chess player or a gifted fiction writer. It’s worth 
exploring your interests and talents.

We want you to understand that you are not spoiling yourself 
or mixing up priorities by taking care of yourself. Indeed, if 
you do not care for yourself, how can you take care of 
anything else?

Do just one thing today to care for yourself. Then, do it again

Sometimes we need to consult an expert to manage our 
mental health. This is absolutely encouraged, and there are 
many local services available. Here are a few options:
If you feel you cannot reach out to a trained therapist, then 
start by talking to a friend. Depression can be treated, and it 
starts with that small first step.

Sarah K. Martin is environmental healt
h promotion specialist with the Wellness Institute of Greater
 Buffalo. If you are interested in the mission of promoting 
community health, contact the institute at be-active@city-, or call the office at 716-851-4052.
Find the website for the WHO Mental Health Page here.


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