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National representatives speak to Senate committee in support of vaping as harm reduction too

National representatives speak to Senate committee in support of vaping as harm reduction too

Canadian Vaping Association supports government's science-based approach

OTTAWA, April 6, 2017 /CNW/ - The Canadian Vaping 

Association (CVA) was on Parliament Hill today in support of 

Bill S-5 – An Act to amend the Tobacco Act and the Non-

Smokers' Health Act. Representatives from CVA underscored

 the importance of including e-cigarette-specific amendments

 to this bill during a presentation before the Senate Standing

 Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology 


Senator Chantal Petitclerc, sponsor of Bill S-5, has said that

 "this bill strikes a balance between the harms from vaping 

products if they entice youth to develop a nicotine addiction 

and the public health benefit if they contribute to reducing 

tobacco-related death and disease. This is why the 

government is proposing a flexible regime, one that can be 

adjusted as the science on vaping products develops." CVA 

endorses the government's science-based approach.

Ms. Shai Sinnis, CVA Board Member, spoke on behalf of the 

organization at today's committee hearing about the benefits

 of electronic cigarettes, namely the progress e-cigarette use

 has made toward providing a less harmful alternative to 

smoking. Sinnis also addressed key components of Bill S-5 

that should be considered. CVA's sister organization, the 

Electronic Cigarette Trade Association of Canada, also 

presented to SOCI.

"Based on our continued review of the growing body of 

evidence, including qualified literature, studies and research 

on vaping, the CVA is convinced that vaping is a less

 harmful choice than smoking," Sinnis stated. "It has the 

potential to dramatically reduce disease - and ultimately, 

death - caused by smoking."

The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) is a national, not-

for-profit organization established in 2014. The CVA was 

founded to represent an emerging industry in Canada, the 

many business people looking to succeed in that industry, 

and the thousands of Canadians for whom vaping became a

 life-saving alternative to smoking.

SOURCE Canadian Vaping Association (CVA)

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:

For further information: Lisa Kinsella,, 416-319-1023 (cell)


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