Unvaccinated adults increasing risk of disease for all of us and at work. Occupational medicine should investigate !
Unvaccinated adults
increasing risk of disease for all of us and at work. Occupationel medicine schould investigate!
Vaccines are in the spotlight
attention has recently focused on improving vaccination
rates in
Australian infants and children. But actually the largest
unvaccinated group of
people recommended for immunisation are

Of 4.1
million unvaccinated Australians, 92% (3.8 million) are
adults, and only a small fraction are children.
adult vaccination rates will reduce their risk of illness
and death,
and lower transmission of infection in the community.
Fewer adults than children are vaccinated
government provides free adult vaccines for
influenza (flu),
pneumococcal pneumonia and shingles for people over the aged
65 years, and selected vaccines for those with underlying medical
conditions, Indigenous people older than 15 years and pregnant
However, our latest research shows
that only 51% of older
Australian adults receive all government-funded
vaccinations each
year, compared to 93% of Australian children,
and 73% of
Australian adolescents. Coverage in eligible high-risk groups is
even lower: around 40% of people with
medical or occupational
risk factors receive their annual influenza vaccine,
and only
13% of indigenous young adults with medical risk factors receive
their pneumococcal
vaccine. Migrants, refugees and travellers are
also often at risk and
children form a very small proportion of under-
vaccinated Australians, yet
public health efforts focus on coercive
measures and financial penalties to improve immunisation rates in
Unvaccinated adults
have been ignored.
Adults suffer from and spread diseases
contribute substantially to ongoing epidemics of vaccine-
preventable diseases. Most
cases of whooping cough, for
example, occur in adults. About half of
all cases of measles that
occur in Australia are in those aged 19
years or over.
In addition
to poor adult vaccination rates contributing to the high
cost of managing
preventable infections, adults are often the
starting point for epidemics
because they have the highest rate of
infections and so transmit infection more.
Better vaccination rates
in adults will reduce both cost and risk.
workers can be a vector for infection and
trigger outbreaks
among vulnerable patients. The highest risk institutions are
hospitals, childcare centres and aged care facilities.
Health care
and other institutions facilitate intense infection
transmission and explosive
outbreaks, where vulnerable patients,
elderly residents or children may become
ill and even die. The
purpose of staff vaccination in these settings is not only individual
protection, but protection of patients or children.
Staff have
an ethical duty of care to reduce their own risk of
infection and the risk they
may pose to vulnerable others. Workers
themselves may be at increasing risk,
since hospitals and aged care
facilities have an ageing workforce with
associated underlying
The case for mandatory flu vaccination
rates of staff influenza vaccination continue to be low.
Rates of vaccination
in day care centre workers are less than 50%,
and variably low in aged care workers and health workers.
hospitals in the USA
introduced mandatory influenza
vaccination for health care staff, the response was variable, with
legal challenges in New York .
There have
been some great success stories lately from Melbourne ,
where hospitals have been able to
get rates up to 80%. However,
hospitals have committed resources and personnel to
implement intensive
campaigns. Such vaccination campaigns based
on voluntary or educational
interventions will increase vaccination
rates to 70-80%, but campaigns must be
sustained and don’t
achieve rates higher
than this.
groundwork for the introduction of mandatory influenza
vaccination has been
laid by many states and territories in
required health care workers to demonstrate
evidence of protection
against a range of vaccine preventable diseases. The
policy change
was surprisingly well received and accepted by
hospital staff.
states have similar recommendations for health care workers,
but vary in the
vaccines included and/or staff targeted. However, in
all instances to date the
influenza vaccine continues to be highly
recommended but not required.
vaccination still remains a controversial strategy that
pits staff autonomy against patient safety. Coercive measures do
work, but raise ethical issues. Further, some argue that
evidence of patient benefit for influenza is overstated.
Poor uptake
of adult vaccination is due to many factors, including
difficulty of access,
lack of vaccination records, low perceived
level of risk from
vaccine-preventable diseases, lack of faith in
vaccines for adults and value
judgements about older people.
A range of
strategies can improve vaccination rates, including
a whole of life immunisation register,
which helps doctors keep
track of their patient’s vaccine history, eliminating
barriers to vaccination, recording indigenous status and medical
factors of patients, recommending vaccination to patients and
To improve
immunisation in any occupational setting, it is
important to commit resources,
design health promotion programs,
and provide culturally sensitive education on
the risk of influenza
and the overall benefits of vaccination.
It is also
important to remove barriers and use regulation. For
example, hospitals have
patient infection outcomes linked to
accreditation, but not staff vaccination. There
are no such
requirements for child care or aged care facilities. We could
consider linking vaccination rates of staff to regulation of these
institutions. We also need to ensure there are no other barriers to
staff vaccinated.
C Raina MacIntyre, Professor
of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, Head of the School of Public Health and
Community Medicine, UNSW; Holly Seale, Senior Lecturer, UNSW, and Rob Menzies, Senior
Lecturer, UNSW
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