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Lithuania develops OiRA tools for the mining and cleaning sectors

 State Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania has developed two new OiRA tools for the ‘mining and quarrying’ and ‘cleaning services’ sectors to help companies identify and assess workplace hazards and risks.

The ‘mining and quarrying’ tool is
 particularly addressed at those who 
perform their activity in mineral surfaces
 and extractive industries. It includes 
mandatory modules like risk factors and 
hazards associated to heavy equipment. The ‘premises cleaning
 services’ tool focuses on high-risk works, including working at 
height and the use of chemicals. It can also be used by companies 
that have their own employees/cleaners. 

Please spread the news and share our tools using the hashtag #OiRAtools
                                                   (by EU-OSHA)

I think it is great ! It is important to protect jobs like cleaners 
because the people involved use chemicals and very often without
 gloves ! It is necessary a mandatory rule for this problem in order 
to protect the people performing this job (usually women ) !

Very often cleaners work at height. Think of a pregnant  woman !
If she is tired and is working at height, it could be a disaster !

This kind of workers (cleaners) are the less protected ! I think that 
Lituania has made a good job for the protection of every kind of 
workers !


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