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Finland — Age management at Saarioinen Ltd


Saarioinen, a Finnish manufacturer/distributor, had recognised an

 increase in prolonged sickness absence and early exit from work 

as a result of musculoskeletal disorders. In 2003, the company 

launched an age management programme aimed to reduce the 

costs associated with this problem. The programme is 

complemented with career planning for employees over 50, 

required by the collective agreement for the food industry from 

2010. All blue-collar employees aged over 55 with five or more 

years’ service can apply for ‘senior’ status, triggering an 

individual plan including work adjustment, retraining and career 

planning. Additional benefits include salary-level guarantees, a 

reduction in shift work/work rotation, senior leave/temporary 

leave and part-cover of medical costs. Feedback shows that there 

is improved employee well-being and the retirement age has 

increased by three years. The company is considering extending

 the programme to white-collar workers. Success factors include 

supportive national legislation and involvement of all 

stakeholders, while challenges exist in career planning for older 

workers. The programme is transferable to public- and private-

sector organisations, particularly its career planning element and 

the job satisfaction questionnaires.


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