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Visualizzazione dei post da giugno, 2017

SAFETY INTELLIGENCE-INTELLIGENZA DI SICUREZZA Safety I ntelligence  Dr.  Laura Fruhen from Centre for Safety at the University of Western Australia . Journalist :Laura has done lots of research in the area of safety, and she has been working  with many organisations in industries such as oil and gas, mining, aviation, etc.  And I know one of the projects Laura is working on concerns this concept of safety  intelligence, which is really interesting.  Can you tell us a bit more about it, Laura?  Laura: Sure, so in this project we were interested in understanding the personal  characteristics or individual attributes of senior managers that make a difference  for safety and support them in having an influence on safety.  And we developed the concept of safety intelligence to capture senior managers'  knowledge, as well as skills related to safety issues.  And we investigated this concept then involving attribute m...

Health, safety and productivity-SALUTE E SICUREZZA E PRODUTTIVITA’ Health, safety and productivity VIDEO LESSON BY PROF. MARK GRIFFIN Health and safety are intrinsically important to everyone. They're fundamental needs which everyone wants to protect and enhance. The profession of occupational health and safety specialist, is an important and growing career pathway in many industries. But, how do health and safety help the organisations in which people are working? Psychology's answered this question from a number of angles. Let's look at two of these.  First, there's the cost perspective. This tells us that individuals who are injured or unwell will be less effective at work.  Further, injury or illness that takes an individual out of the work place, creates new costs for the business. There's a cost of replacing the sick person, selecting and training a new person to fill that role. In some cases there may be ...

How to build a healthy work-COME CREARE UN POSTO DI LAVORO SANO www. How to build a healthy work video lesson by Prof. Mark Griffin, professor at School of psychology at University of Western  Australia   Can the workplace influence our health and well being? There's strong evidence that the quality of our work place  has long term effects on our mental and physical health.  In particular, workplace stressors, the factors that cause stress,  can produce psychological outcomes such as anxiety and depression.  And psychologists refer to these as strain.  At any one time,  up to 20% of the workforce can be experiencing high levels of stress.  Over time, workplace stressors can result in physical outcomes  such as heart disease, back pain and reduced immunity.  The national cost of work stress is measured in billions of dollars.  So the first step towards managing workplace stress  Is to u...

OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND PSYCHOLOGY AT WORK: History of work design- STORIA DEL WORK DESIGN History of work design video lesson by prof. Sharon Parker from Western University of Australia Business School One question you might be wondering about is where did interest  in this topic of work design come from?  Basically we need to go right back to the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s.  At this time lots of people came to cities to work in factories and  the question arose as to how to organise work.  Frederick Taylor's answer to this question was scientific management.  Which basically involves breaking jobs down into the smallest possible part and  then specifying the exact one best way  that these small tasks should be carried out.  Taylor  also believed that workers should do the manual work,  while managers should do all the mental work.  So this meant managers made all the decisions and workers had very little say.  ...

Designing motivating work-WORK DESIGN E MOTIVAZIONE  Designing motivating work by Sharon Parker,  professor at University of Western Australia Business School We've been talking about what work design is. But what is good work design? And how can you redesign work to make it more effective?  One of the earliest work redesign strategies that companies tried was job rotation. This is where people rotate from one job to another. Think about people working in a restaurant. One shift, the employee might seat people. The next shift, the employee might take food orders. The next shift, he might serve the food, and so on.  You can see that job rotation increases skill variety, which makes the job more interesting.  You can also see how rotating across these different jobs would give employees a better understanding of the whole restaurant, which will help them to do their work ...