According to an interdisciplinary body of research presented at a symposium at the University of Notre Dame, old prectices such as:
- isolation of infants in their own rooms
- belief that responding too quickly to a fussy baby will 'spoil' it
and new ones such as:
- helding babies much time in carriers, car seats and strollers
- low rate of breast-feeding
are dangerous for the devolopment of brain and physical health.
A new research shows that
- breast-feeding infants
- responsiveness to crying
- constant touch
- having several adult caregivers
are some of the old practices tha t can develop positively both brain and physical health.
According to recent studies, the development of conscience is influenced by responding to a baby's needs (not letting a baby 'cry it out'); stress reactivity, impulse control and empathy are affected by positive touch; social capacities and aggression are stimulated by free playing in nature. IQ, ego resiliencce and empathy are predicted by a set of supportive caregivers (beyond the mother alone).
Negative attitudes in young children or in college student
- anxiety an depression
- aggressive behaviour and deliquency
- decreasing empathy
are shown in research, even though whether they are the corollary to modern practices or the result of other force is not known.
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